Dr. Sandra Charvátová is a pioneering scientist and a clinician specializing in hematologic malignancies and innovative cell-based therapies. With expertise spanning Biophysics, General Medicine, and a Ph.D. in Biology, she’s a driving force in our research group. As the leader of our Transfer Unit, her focus is on transforming laboratory breakthroughs into advanced cell-based therapies for cancer patients.
Her research expertise spans the optimization of natural killer (NK) cell isolation, expansion, and activation protocols, unlocking novel avenues for enhanced therapeutic potential. She leads innovative studies in genetic modification techniques, leveraging advancements to augment NK cell effector functions.
Throughout her academic journey, Sandra has been recognized for her outstanding achievements, securing scholarships and prestigious awards such as the “Award of the rector of the OU for outstanding scientific and research activities”.

Clinical medicine, Immunotherapy, Cell therapy, NK cells, Clinical manufacturing
- 2014-19 – Biophysics, Uni. of Ostrava – M.Sc.
- 2017-23 – General medicine, Uni. of Ostrava – M.D.
- 2019-23 – Biology, Uni. of Ostrava – Ph.D.
Eminent awards
- 2020 – Scholarship of the City of Ostrava
- 2020 – Scholarship for talented doctoral students at the OU
- 2022 – Ostrava’s Talent of the Year
- 2022 – Award of the rector of the University of Ostrava for outstanding scientific and research activities
Patented inventions
- Therapeutic composition for cancer treatment
Key activities
- Research and development – Cell-based therapies
- Clinical manufacturing
- Clinical medicine – Department of Hematooncology
- https://www.ceskatelevize.cz/porady/10435049455-dobre-rano/423236100071053/cast/981915/
- https://ostrava.rozhlas.cz/sandra-charvatova-je-nadejna-vedkyne-ktera-se-venuje-zkoumani-moznosti-bunecne-8983842
- https://ovajih.ostrava.cz/cs/o-jihu/jizni-listy/rocnik-2023/rocnik-2023/Jinlistykvten2023web.pdf
- https://moravskoslezsky.denik.cz/zpravy_region/je-naplnujici-ze-nasi-praci-muzeme-prodlouzit-zivot-rika-vedkyne-20230312.html
- https://alive.osu.cz/30-let-spolu-vyzkumnice-sandra-charvatova-zkouma-bunky-lecici-rakovinu/