XX. Myeloma and VIII. Cell Therapy Workshop 2025

About the workshop

The Myeloma and Cell Therapy Workshop (MCTW) is a two-day international meeting focused on haematological malignancies, with an emphasis on multiple myeloma immunotherapy, immunomonitoring, and cell therapies. We foster multidisciplinary collaborations, bringing together researchers, clinicians, and bioinformaticians to discuss their work and push the frontiers of current knowledge. Join our up-to-date lectures, round-table debates, and poster session!

Key deadlines

– Registration Deadline: 31.5.-19.9.2025

– Poster Abstract Submission Deadline: 31.5.-19.9.2025

Poster session

This year’s MCTW will feature a poster session! Posters will be scored by a panel of judges, and the top three posters will be awarded.

  • Posters must be in English and on the topic of haematological malignancies (basic, applied, translational research, or clinical report/study).
  • All abstracts must meet the requirements stated in the document below and be submitted using the provided abstract submission template.

Abstract submission

Please send your abstract as a PDF file to the email address: .

You will be informed by email whether your abstract has been accepted for the poster session, along with further instructions. If accepted, it is mandatory to display your poster onsite, printed in the format 120×90 cm (h x w).

Requirements for abstract

Abstract submission template


Quality Hotel Ostrava

Hornopolní 3313/42,
702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz,
Czech Republic

Main organizers

  • Prof. Roman Hájek, M.D.

Organizing Committee

  • Mgr. Daniela Gachová
  • Bc. Hana Křížková
  • Mgr. Jana Kotulová, Ph.D.

General contact email: 

Organizing Company

  • Jan Lapeš (Hanzo)


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